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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

"Where the wild artists live"

ARTTEC, the AIT's art programme, in APA Science.

Our artists-in-residence, Christopher Noelle (2018) and Judith Fegerl, (2019-2021), talk about their experiences with ARTTEC in an interview with APA Science. "Getting the first artist-in-residence exhibition because of my art was a great feeling and possible because of the close exchange with the institute, especially with Silvia Haselhuhn and Michael Hlava," says Christopher Noelle about the collaboration with AIT. 

In the interview, you can find out how the collaboration with the research community worked out, what points of contact the two artists have with science and what of their art flows into research.

The interview is available only in German.