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AIT prominently represented in the publication & citation ranking of German-language economic geography


In ZitArt 2020, the publication and citation ranking of German-language economic geography published every four years, researchers from the AIT Center for Innovation Systems & Policy are prominently represented in various positions. Thomas Scherngell, Senior Scientist and Thematic Coordinator of the Innovation Dynamics & Modelling research field, is among the top 25 in the overall publications ranking and among the top 12 in the overall citations ranking. In Austria, he is one of the top three authors in economic geography in terms of the number of publications in international peer-reviewed journals, as well as in terms of impact in the form of citations.

Susanne Meyer, Senior Expert Advisor at the Centre, appears at the forefront of authors born after 1980 in terms of the number of publications. The article on cooperation between science and industry by Doris Schartinger from 2004 (co-authored by Josef Fröhlich, former Head of Center) is ranked seventh among the most cited publications in German-language economic geography overall. Incidentally, the Centre's long-time collaboration partner Manfred M. Fischer (Professor Emeritus WU Vienna) leads the ranking at the top.

Overall, this illustrates on the one hand the large intersection between economic geography and innovation research as an important element in the Center, and on the other hand the central role that some of the Center's researchers have been able to assume in this research field in recent years - both nationally and internationally.

More about the ZitArt Ranking