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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

3D audio navigation for elderly people

Take part in our survey to help us develop a navigation system for elderly people!

Independent mobility is essential for maintaining the quality of life of older people. Due to different physical changes and limitations in old age, navigation tasks can become a challenge. The target group needs intuitive navigation aids with a low entry barrier.

In the 3D Audio Navigation project, the AIT Center for Technology Experience, Dreamwaves and the Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen are therefore developing a navigation and orientation solution that will help people achieve independent mobility by making orientation simple and intuitive. The key aspect of our solution is that people can understand where to go by simply following sounds. In contrast to common verbal instructions, spatial sound does not have to be interpreted and navigation towards the source of the noise is therefore faster and with less cognitive effort. Applications with spatial sound have not been able to establish themselves on the market due to insufficient attention to the needs of users. We would like to change this in the project and therefore need the support of the users.

In our survey we would like to ask you some questions about this kind of navigation. With your participation you make a valuable contribution to research in the field of navigation solutions.

Click here for the survey:


Thank you!

AIT-Contact: Georg Regal