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AIT Bioresources expert Angela Sessitsch is awarded with the NÖN Leopold

The award will be presented for the first time in the category science in 2019

The NÖN Leopold has been awarded for 20 years to people who have done an outstanding performance, this year for the first time in the also in the category science. In addition to Waltraut Haas (Honor-Leopold), Felix Mitterer (Culture-Leopold) and Dominic Thiem (Sport-Leopold), this year Angela Sessitsch was also honored in the new category Science. The laudation was held by AIT Scientific Managing Director Wolfgang Knoll.

"The NÖN Leopold should be a signal," says NÖN editor Gudula Walterskirchen at the award ceremony in the NV Forum in the St. Pölten cultural district. Klaus Schneeberger represented Landeshauptfrau Johanna Mikl-Leitner: "All those who have been awarded here have made a difference."

All information at: https://www.noen.at/leopold/20-noen-leopold-ein-heiliger-und-jede-menge-helden-noen-leopold-171657038?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#