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Optimal Staff and Mobility Planning

AIT Mobility Department, Dynamic Transportation Systems, develops a booking system for mobility services

In various rural touristic areas, there is an imbalance between labour supply and demand. This imbalance is generally due to the workplaces in the tourism industry that are geographically difficult to reach compared to the centrally located residential areas in alpine regions. Women are particularly affected by this imbalance in the tourism sector. On one hand, part-time work in Austria is mainly performed by women, and on the other hand, the majority of employees in the tourism sector are women.

In the research project TEPMOS (part-time employee, staff and mobility booking system), employees of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Herry Consult and the Mobility Centre in Pongau with support from the AMS (Public Employment Service Austria) develop the best possible solution to address this problem. The project partners analyze the needs and requirements of the employers, part-time employees and job seekers in the tourism region Pongau. Based on the data collected, research scientists develop an integrated staff and mobility booking system. Using this system, optimal staff planning for part-time employees can be achieved. Also, coordinated arrivals and departures to and from workplaces can be scheduled.

This project, which will run for two years, is funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit).