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Applied Quantum Cryptography - Chinese edition!

The Springer Verlag published a Chinese version of the book "Applied Quantum Cryptography" which was written by experts from AIT and AAU

Using the quantum properties of single photons to exchange binary keys between two partners for subsequent encryption of secret data is an absolutely novel technology. Only a few years ago quantum cryptography – or better Quantum Key Distribution – was the domain of basic research laboratories at universities. But during the last few years things changed. Quantum Key Distribution or QKD left the laboratories and was picked up by more practical-oriented teams that worked hard to develop a practically applicable technology out of the astonishing results of basic research. One major milestone toward a QKD technology was a large research and development project funded by the European Commission that aimed at combining quantum physics with complementary technologies that are necessary to create a technical solution: electronics, software, and network components.
The book “Applied Quantum Cryptography” was published in english by the Springer Verlag on January 1st, 2011 (2nd Edition, May 4th, 2012), shows the state of the art of Quantum Cryptography and sketches how it can be implemented in standard communication infrastructures. The growing vulnerability of sensitive data requires new concepts and QKD will be a possible solution to overcome some of today’s limitations.
The book is available in the Chinese language since early October 2015, officially released on March 1st 2015.

Christian Kollmitzer (AIT) and Mario Pivk.

Oliver Maurhart (AIT), Christian Mösslacher, Stefan Rass (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt), Peter Schartner (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt) Stefan Schauer (AIT), Martin Suda (AIT)
