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International Conference on Quantum Cryptography - QCrypt 2015

Sep 28
The annual conference QCrypt 2015 is a conference for students and researchers working on all aspects of quantum cryptography

Quantum cryptography aims to achieve security from fundamental physical principles, such as the quantum mechanical phenomena of entanglement and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. In the last few years, significant progress has been made in the theoretical understanding of quantum cryptography, and its technological feasibility has been demonstrated experimentally. Quantum cryptography is therefore regarded as one of the most promising candidates for a future quantum technology.

Oliver Maurhart expert at the AIT Digital Safety & Security Department, will host a Workshop about the latest Open Source Software for QKD Post Processing.

The main goals of the conference are to represent the previous year’s best results and to support the building of a research community in quantum cryptography.

Date: 18. September to 02. October 2015

Venue: Hitotsubashi Hall, Tokyo, Japan


  • QCrypt 2015
  • <link research-services research-services-digital-safety-security optical-quantum-technologies external-link-new-window external link in new>Optical Quantum Technologies @AIT