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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

SAIL Vienna 2035

The AAL project SAIL Vienna 2035: Smart Aging – Integrative Lifestyles in Vienna 2035 combined two relevant problem areas of our time: Adequate care of persons in their second half of life and ageing of inhabitants of self-organised housing projects.

SAIL aimed at promoting a variety of positive age cultures in the context of urban housing projects in Vienna and at supporting a self-determined life of high quality. Together with inhabitants of the Matznerviertel, of several co-houring projects in Vienna, the Sargfabrik and experts from care organisations, AIT scientists developed visions and scenarios of attractive age cultures, worked out product and service ideas and defined requirements for technologies which make everyday life easier at home.

Key Words: Foresight, AAL, Participative Living

Start: November 2015

Duration: 12 months

Funded by: FFG

Website: http://sailvienna2035.at/

Contact: Doris Wilhelmer